The key tasks for this promotional project were conceptualizing and designing an engaging paper sample booklet. It provided an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with implementing special finishes like foils and die-cuts within a production workflow. The main objectives were to leverage conceptual, creative, and technical skills to produce an accessible and representative paper resource that would creatively promote the brand’s offerings to both designers and everyday consumers.
Concept: A Harrowing Tale
Follow along as a quartet tries to survive the end times with their little amount of collective survival skills and knowledge. A group gets thrown head first and unprepared into the end times due to a nuclear attack. What begins as a seem-to-be perfect survival plan slowly unravels as the group begins to run into issues of shortsighted planning and unforetold situations that they must try to overcome. As time passes, not everyone is so lucky to survive unscathed. Who will be the last one standing?
What happened to everyone?
The story combines written and visual narratives to expand on our sorrowful cast of characters and the state world. Through the use of colors and hand signatures, can you figure out who's who before the end of the book?
The final product was printed on 98lb Lily Canson Mi Teintes pastel paper for the inner pages. The cover was printed on White 250Gsm Stonehenge Kraft paper. To create a divide between the covers and the spreads, I used a sheet of 55lb velum as a separator and included a half-title page at the beginning and end of the spreads. 
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