This project involved creating a unified design concept for a cat pet care kit applied across seven distinct packaging structures. A consistent visual language was established to maintain cohesion across the varied formats. The result showcases harmony through diversity, with a shared aesthetic adapted to unique structural and functional needs.
Seven Packaging Structures for Cat Pet Care
Award Recognition:

Concept: Rag-Tag Chaos
The starting point for this concept was the phrase “scratch & dent,” often used to describe appliances or furniture with minor imperfections. This inspired the idea of a kit tailored for a beloved yet raggedy stray cat. Drawing on the connotation of quirks and scrapes, the concept evolved into a creative care package celebrating the endearing flaws of a cherished feline companion. Though inspired by a common description of warehouse blemishes, the concept focused on the design of thoughtful products for cats with adversity-filled pasts and an abundance of spirit. By leaning into the theme of imperfections, the kit provides care with personality to cats who have earned their battle scars. The phrase took on new meaning, reimagined for resilience and individuality in the form of a thoughtful gift.

Everyone needs a responsible angel on one shoulder and a scrappy cat on the other